Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eye Opener.

So this week has been a bit difficult for me! You guys all know that I had my surgery. I did end up getting a dry socket which is painful. I have had some other things come up too and so I feel like God is pulling me in a 100 different directions. The one thing that God laid infront of me is one simple word. Always. Always. He has Always loved us. He Always will love us. He has Always been here for us and yes you guessed it. He always will. So as we go out through the rest of this week lets remember that no matter what we are NEVER alone! I mean it! And if you guys ever need anything message me or hit me up on facebook! Or emails. I read them! So work on your walk with God this weekend!

Kailee Elaine

Monday, September 26, 2011


So I am going to talk about my surgery today! Honestly all went well! Even though I had myself so stressed out and scared stuff went better than even the doctors hoped for! I found myself crying last night scared when one friend just pointed me back to God. I woke up this morning feeling shaky and prayed and I automatically felt this peace come over me! Just remember to always turn everything to god! Love you guys! Take Care

Kailee Elaine

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tired of hearing this!

YES Once again I am apologizing. I promise though this time I mean it. Only a couple days after my last post my grandpa died. I should be posting a something tomorrow! I do have surgery tomorrow and if I just feel completely horrible I won't but other than that I should be able to! Thanks for the patience guys!


Saturday, August 20, 2011


Wow! I am so sorry that I haven't blogged since June!
My grandpa got worse and then trying to get ready for school and handle the stress and emotions that came when we lost a youth leader was hard. I do apologize and I will try to do way better on blogging. If there is anything you want me to blog about please let me know! Thanks

Kailee Elaine

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

4. What is your favorite christian song or hymn? Why?

Well I don't have a favorite really so I will put the christian song I like the most and the hymn I like the most and hopefuly post videos for both!

My favorite christian song (at the moment) would have to be Looks Like Love To Me. I know its not a very popular song because it was written by a group in a town about an hour from me but I love the message behind it and it has been a previous solo of mine!

My favorite hymn (again at the moment) would have to be Precious Memories. This was my first solo using music other than just piano. I hope I can find the Dolly Parton one to show you. I love it. This song is very dear to my heart. My great grandma passed away in August and I sang this at her funeral. It was tough but she loved hearing me sing and would go to church to hear me! I love and miss you Great Grandma Reathel. Live it up in heaven for me!

Have a great day! Kailee Elaine

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

3. What is your denomination? What is your belief about denominations in the church?

Well to answer the first question I have always been raised baptist.

My belief is that your denomination isn't a big deal to me. As long as your beliefs are bibically true and what is right then your denomination shouldn't matter because you are a christian!

Friday, June 17, 2011

2. What is your favorite bible verse? Why? What does it mean to you?

What is your favorite bible verse?

My favorite bible verse at the moment would have to be Jeremiah 29:11.

     For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


I never thought much of this verse until I saw the movie Soul Surfer. Now it is all I think about. I mean wow. It says it all right there. No matter what your going through hes got a purpose behind it!

What does it mean to you?

If Bethany Hamilton could still show the faith she had through everything she faced so can I! I mean God does it all for an amazing purpose and it is because he has huge plans for all of our lives if we trust in him and follow him.

Thanks guys!
Kailee Elaine

Thursday, June 16, 2011

1. My testimony. Who was I before God? Who am I after God?

So this is day one of the challenge.

My testimony.

Where should I even begin??? Well I may not have ever known God as soon as I did if it wasn't for my amazing neighbor, Miss Elizabeth. When I was only five she invited me along to her churches VBS. I was sooo interested in the stories and stuff that they taught I started attending church with her. So I guess you could say I grew up in church. As a little kid I always knew God was the answer and never had a problem trusting and believing in him. When I was only in third grade I lost my great uncle, Jerry. It was really hard for me. Then I realized the weeks following that I was having to fight myself to not go forward at church. I was soooo concerned by what my mom would say about it. I finally did it though. It was the best decision that I have ever made in my life! I was then baptized and became a member of the church. Now that I am a teenager I find myself facing more struggles and it sometimes gets hard to trust God. My 7th grade year I strayed but I came back. I am just trying to build our relationship as strong as I can right now.

Who was I before God?

I hardly remember what it was like not being a christian. I know it was hard. It seemed like you couldn't get through the day. Like you didn't have the strength. That is mainly because we live on Gods strength to get us through.

What am I after God?

Wow. I am everything. I am beautiful inside and out because I am HIS daughter. I find myself striving to fit in but why should I? I am everything in Gods eyes and loved sooo much. I have a huge heart and right now I am willing to survive and follow whereever he decides is best to lead me to.

God bless.
Kailee Elaine


This is a challenege I found and I will start day one today when I get home! God Bless you guys!

1. What is your testimony? Who were you before Christ and who are you now?
2. What is your favorite bible verse? Why? What does it mean to you?
3. What denomination are you? What are your beliefs on denominations in the church?
4. What is your favorite Christian song or hymn? Why?
5. What kind of church do you attend? What are the main beliefs of your church? If you would like share a video/podcast of your church!
6. What is your favorite Christian book besides the Bible?
7. Have you been Baptized? When/How? What was your personal experience?
8. What is your favorite book in the bible and verse in that book?
9. What is your favorite thing about your church?
10. What do you feel is the biggest struggle in the church today?
11. How do you openly share your faith?
12. What is a bible verse that gives you the most hope?
13. What is a belief of yours that usually most of those in the Christian Church disagree with?
14. Have you read the full bible? If so how long did it take you?
15. Do you use a devotional? If so what kind? How do you make sure you keep on track in Gods word?
16. How do you view politics and your religion?
17. If you could meet Jesus right now, what would be your first action and first question? How do you view Heaven?
18. What is the silliest prayer you have prayed? And oddest place you have prayed?
19. How do you bring prayer into your daily life? What are your views on healings and praying in tongues?
20. Are you ready if Jesus were to come tomorrow?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Apology and Explanation.

Hey guys.
A lot of you are probably wondering why I haven't blogged in a long time. Well there are two reason behind that. One stupid me lost her password to this account. Mr. Germann would call me an idiot. =] Maybe I am. Haha. Anyway. I got a little bit distracted from God. I feel now that I have myself back on track and am ready to take this on again. I just needed time to figure that out. I do apologize for not blogging more.

Now. Back to the best subject of all time. God. I don't know if any of you have seen it, but Soul Surfer is the best movie ever. I have never felt so inspired by one person. Bethany Hamilton is one amazing girl. Now I was discussing this movie with a friend who doesn't believe in God. The main verse that her youth leader always mentioned to her over and over again was Jeremiah 29:11. I find this verse to be the way I should go about everything in my life now. For I have plans for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. This is what God does for us. Now you might wonder just like Bethany did, How can this be the hope and future God wants me to have? How can he be putting me through this and not realize this is hurting me? I feel like hurt and harm are not the same thing. You may go through something and you might feel hurt but God is right there and not going to give you more than you can handle. Bethany felt hurt for awhile. She couldn't understand why God did this to her. But she stayed faithful to him and sure enough he did as promised. She is now getting to share her faith and experience and trying to help others. She trys to show us that we can get right back in there and keep going strong in the Lord. I can do all things through him who gives me strength. ~Phillipians 4:13~

I hope every reading this goes on in his strength and not there own. Thanks so much for reading and I hope everyone has a blessed day!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Seeking God.

Seems like lately God has really been testing me to see if I will continue to seek him and keep my faith and trust in him. Everytime I feel like it gets harder and that I will not be able to. I feel like I keep slipping further and further away from him. Started out with sometime stupid and little like friend drama and now to me I feel like I am facing the biggest thing ever, more cancer. By now I have grown to hate this word! It has taken some very precious people out of my life and has made some suffer and fight. What has to hurt the most though is hearing from the person who has always been your hero is that he doesn't want to fight anymore. You may not know how that feels but I do now. He has been my only grandpa and this hurts. I love my papa more than anything. Yet I am handling this well I think. How you may ask? I have decided that this is going to happen and that through this I am going to seek God. No matter the outcome I know I need to quit pulling away and seeking him more and more. I really badly want to be as close to him as possible and I feel like situations like this can bring us closer to him if we let him. Thanks.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Man From Galilee.

Last night we went to watch a favorite friend (aka Rita) in a musical at another church. I walked in expecting it to be music like you would hear in a Christmas cantada with a little bit of acting. I walked away with sooooo much more! It was one of the MOST AMAZING things I have ever seen. It was a story that I have heard soooo many times growing up but yet they act it out and put it infront of me and it seemed like it means so much more to me now! Something about seeing Jesus being denied and betrayed gives a deeper meaning than just reading about it on a page. And seeing Jesus put on a cross and dieing shows me just how deep God's and Jesus' love is for ALL of us! I never imagined that I would feel this deep about anything! And he ROSE FROM THE DEAD! Our Savior isn't dead, he is more alive than ever! He is with each and everyone of us and just wants us to love him back! I hope you guys have had a blessed ressurection Sunday! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Confidence and Faith.

Seems like lately God has been speaking not only to me but MANY people around me that I love and care about to bring up faith infront of me. I am starting to realize the more I think about it, Faith isn't something I ever gave much thought to. Now I am giving it a second thought because it is obviously important if God keeps putting it infront of me. There are a couple verses that I want to post that kinda give me a good feeling and help me realize just how much faith means.

Be confident of this that he who began good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

This just means so much to me. I mean God wants to use ME. If I will keep my faith and trust in him he will find ways to use me that are just so amazing and all of it being for his work and glory until Jesus comes back to this Earth. Then is when my faith will really be worth something. I kept faith in God and the payout it going to be soooo worth it. An eternity with God in a perfect place.

I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

A lot of people memorize this verse. It comes in really handy. By putting my faith and trust into Jesus Christ I get this amazing relationship with God. I couldn't ask for anything better.

So faith keeps getting brought up in FCA and a very good point that was made today was if when we leave this Earth if others will realize that we are Christians and are living it up with God in heaven. Will they wonder about where you went after you died? Do you know where your best friend would go? I challenge you to have a heart to heart with your best friends and just ask them. Ask them if they gave their life to God and if they are going to heaven. Some people will say yes and in their minds will be thinking well I am not real sure. Maybe that will plant inside them that they don't really know and need to find out. Just plant that seed to help them out.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dieing for us.

I recently started reading the book The Case for Christ. I think everyone out there should read it. It helps get a deeper understanding than I ever imagined I could get. I haven't read a lot of it yet but there is one point in the beginning that stands out to me and its a really good point to be made. Lee gives you an example of what some people claim about Jesus. They say hes a liar. That he didn't willingly die for all of us. He puts this into a worldly example. Lets say theres a benchwarmer for the school basketball team and he wants to impress the new girl. He might lie and tell her he is a starting player and get caught up in that lie. Now if the girl or anyone else would stick a gun to his head and ask if he really was a starting player and if he was he was going to die would he stick with that lie? Most of us know that if this would happen we would find out the truth pretty quickly. But as they were killing Jesus he remained true to his word and died willingly. Do you still think he would have died that willingly over a lie? No one that I know would die over a lie. That just proves to me how much Jesus really loved us and wanted to save us and give us a second chance.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Live By Faith.

This last Wednesday I did the lesson for our FCA meeting. I spent a lot of time in prayer trying to figure out what God wanted me to do and time and time again I found the verse Hebrews 11:1 going through my head. So I thought what better than by living out your faith! I know how easy it is to get distracted from God and lose faith and sight in him. The definition of faith is something that is believed which where there is usually little to no proof. We don't get to see God standing right beside us. We have to keep faith and just know that he is with us even if we can't see or feel him. Hebrews 11:1 says Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. I am not sure about you but to me this is an AMAZING reminder. God just always wants us knowing that no matter what we have to keep faith in him. We may feel like we are the farthest we could ever be from God but yet we just have to keep faith because he is always right beside us because he will never leave us nor forsake us. He tells us this in Hebrews 13:5, Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. Thats a lot. He will never leave us. He knows we need him to get through EVERYTHING. All we simply have to do is keep faith. Now I know that is harder at times than others but if we do there is a HUGE payoff. We just have to keep faith that he will keep his word and he always will. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pure Joy

This is just going to be a very simple post. Our church tonight starts the 6 week study Pure Joy. It is part of the True Love Waits study. I just ask for prayers that this be a very successful study. We have invited the other youth groups and I have been inviting anyone I can think of. Our youth leader has worked so hard on this and I know all the credit and glory goes to God but she has done a truely amazing job of following God and the holy spirit getting this study ready! I just hope it touches all of our lives and that we will listen and follow God. Thanks Guys! Kailee Elaine

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Looks Like Love To ME!!!!

If you know me you know my one true passion and gift straight from God is singing. I love to sing. I now sing on the 4th Sunday of the month at the nursing home. I choose a solo every month. Today I felt like God wanted me to use the song Looks Like Love To Me. It is one of my all time favorite songs to sing. I will post the song with this. I truely am amazed at how God works through this song. It talks about how the world just sees Jesus dieing on the cross as a cruel act that shows no love or anything. In the chorus it talks about though on that cross that us Christians we see Saviour, Redeemer, Sinless man dieing to set me free, Forgiveness, Grace, and Mercy is all things that we got from that day that Jesus gave up his life for us. I mean he died for each and every one of us!!! That is just amazing! He is nothing but love! I feel like I am just rambling here but what I am trying to get at is that he died to set each and everyone of us free from this world that pushes us down and tells as that we will never be anything. Just need to keep praying that everyone will realize they need God. Take care and have a great week! Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 25, 2011

An Investment Worth Making.

   “Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them.  To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag,each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.  The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more.  So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more.  But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.
    “After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them.  The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five bags of gold. See, I have gained five more.’
  “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
“The man with two bags of gold also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with two bags of gold; see, I have gained two more.’
   “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
This is Matthew 25:14-23. Jesus used this story to explain how being with God is basically like being in a family business. He doesn't give us all exactly the same things to work with but he gives us what we need to succeed. Everyone has a different talent that God has given. Some are great speakers. Some are amazing with talking with people one on one to help them better understand God. Mine is singing and music. God gave us all unique talents to use to help him. He wants us to use these simple talents to bring other to him. Its making disciples who make disciples. God wants us to bring others closer to him. If you think about it, it should be simple but sometimes its not. That is when we have to keep him the closest and invest in our eternal investment and thats with God.
Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 4, 2011

True Friends.

Sorry that I haven't blogged in awhile. I have been under the weather and just not very well. I will try to be better about getting this updated more often. If you are anything like me friends mean a lot to you. They can almost decide who you are for you if you aren't careful. I am sure all of you have at least one very close friend that knows basically everything about you and your life. Nothing wrong with that at all. I do that too. I have a question for you though. Do you tend to turn to this friend for advice and comfort more than you turn to God? In the scripture God makes it so clear that he should be our number one friend that we turn to for ANYTHING!
You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you. John 15:14-15.
Wow. God calls us friends. Not only are we his children but he thinks of us as so much we are his friends too. Everyone use to feel really distanced from God. But then he send Jesus for us. Jesus came to earth as human, the Son of God. The only perfect human that ever walked this Earth. He came to share the love of his Father. He wanted to give us a chance. Because of Adam and Eve we aren't in a perfect relationship with God. We sin. But now we have Jesus. Then Jesus died on the cross. He died so we could have a second chance. Through his death we can believe that Jesus is the son of God and died especially for US. He died so we could have this relationship with God. He doesn't ever want anything to seperate us from God. Including the world and other friends. I am not saying having a great friend to talk to is a bad thing either. Just make sure you are turning to God when you need to. He is the one that will get you through all of this and help you because life is gonna be tough. Friends usually tell each other everything. God has told us all that he has. It is right there in his word. We just have to read it and have understanding over it. Shouldn't we be telling him everything? Even though he already knows it he still wants to hear it from us. Just try to get into that awesome relationship with God were you know to always go to him first. Kailee Elaine

Monday, February 21, 2011

Beautiful By MercyMe.

Last night we went to the Rock and Worship Roadshow at JQH arena. It was AMAZING!! I mean in a stadium that is packed full with thousands of other teenagers that have the same love for God is just amazing! It was truely a great night and God was with us. The main band there was MercyMe. I was so excited when I found out I would get to see them live. My favorite song by them is I Can Only Imagine. Last night though another song just stuck with me though. I mean yes I know all their music and I listen to this song quite often. I just never truely listened to this song and let the words soak into me. I will try to post the video to this song. I am not quite sure how to though. Beautiful by MercyMe is truely an amazing song. We learned the background behind this. Lead singer, Mike Scheuchzer, originally wrote this song for his two young daughters when they get older. He reminded everyone that at such a young age girls and some guys are faced with so much pressure of how we should dress, act, look, what size we should be, what's in, and what's not. He said he hoped this song would be a reminder for EVERYONE!! No matter the age. He knows that there are kids out there that don't get to hear I love youfrom both their parents and thnk that they aren't worth it. That they will never be anything. That is so untrue. You are beautiful and just perfect to God. I mean we aren't the same perfect as God is but he still sees us as that higher standered of alway being enough when we say that we aren't. We all just have to keep in mind that what happens on this earth but not as much as we sometimes let it matter. This is just our home for the time being. Shouldn't we be mor concerned about our eternal destiny? So that means we should be living everyday for God because he holds our lives! ~In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.~1 John 4:10-11~ Take care!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I have been so blessed by friends through this blog. I am getting so close with God and realize that every moment of my life is being lived for him!!! I just think that is AWESOME!! He is what everyone needs and is really longing for whether they find him or not. Don't you think we should help as many people find him as we can since he is exactly what we need??? One way to reach out is by taking advantage of oppurtunities that he gives us!!! I just got a great one. As our youth leader will be out of town she has asked me to take over two lessons. I am so excited. After studying and studying and restudying these two lessons I realize God is just truely amazing. He just longs for us to love him back like he loves each and every one of us. I hope I do a great job for Stacy this week and show others Gods love. Just make sure you watch for even the small oppurtunities that God gives each and every one of us. Kailee Elaine

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Staying Connected with God.

So the last post I made talked about the metaphor with the grape vines. I didn't want it getting to be too long so I left off a part that I really want to post. God wants us to stay connected to him. That is why he says he takes our burdens so we won't be so weighed down like cutting back a grape vine. If something happens and we don't let him take our burdens we can lose our close connection with God. That would relate to if the branch was to break off the vine. Now a farmer can make a cut in the actual vine and try to reconnect the branch. We can always do this with God. The farmer makes the cut in the vine so the sap can flow back through the branch and once again bear fruit. Jesus was nailed on a cross and he shed his blood so that all of us could live in enternity with God. The blood flowed from his side just like the sap flows through the branch. His blood was shed so that all of us would have a chance to tell everyone we know about Jesus. HE loves us so much. He died willingly for us!!! That is more than anyone has and ever will do for you. The only way I know to sum all this up is with this verse. This should be everyones perfect valentine.
For God so loved the world
         that he gave
             his only
                     that whosoever
       believeth in him
          should not perish
       but have everlasting life.
                                        John 3:16

Thanks for reading!

Love Kailee Elaine.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Being the Branches.

Sorry that I haven't blogged for a couple days!!! If you are anything like me you love to read devotional books. I sat down the other day and started reading the book Always By Melody Carlson. One of the devotionals in there used a few verses from John 15. Here is what I read: I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardner. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must reamin in the vine. Neither can bear fruit unless you remain in me. John 15 1-2, 4.
Now not all of us understand farming terms. Back then most of them had grape vineyards or worked in them so all of that just made a ton of sense to them. Now a days not all of us know about vineyards and grape vines. What God is saying is we are connected to him just like a branch is connected to the rest of the vine. Now God will go through all of us. He knows what we think and how we feel. He knows what our hearts are saying. Us that stay connected to God and bear fruit will be pruned or in other words be cut back and have weight taken off so our branch doesn't eventually break off from the vine. The simplest way that I can put that is that God will NEVER give us more than we can handle. Yes he puts us through hard times but its never gonna be too much. If we hang close and stay connected to God we will always pull through it. He will take the weight and problems off us if we just simply offer them to him in pray. It also says that he will cut off every branch that doesn't bear fruit. Now he isn't gonna just ignore the people that don't try to show their faith in him or believe in him but that just sums up to that those of us who do stay connected will live in enternity with him. Wow. He reminds us to stay with him. He also reminds us that NO branch will be able to bear fruit by itself. That means we won't stay connected with God if we forget about him and put him off in the back of our minds. God already knows everything about you but when you come to him and just say hey this is how I feel it thrills him. You love him back like he loves you and feel like hes the one that you need to tell everything to. Thats what he wants from us. He wants us to come to him with our problems that way he can help us solve them and get through them. You won't get through them without God. Hope you guys are as touched by this as I was. Just remember that God wants to be your best friend. =] Kailee Elaine

Saturday, February 5, 2011

YouthQuake 2011

Some of you will know what I am talking about when I say Youthquake. Others won't. It is a HUGE concert that they put on every January in Springfield. I have been blessed to have gotten to attend it four years now. It really is a great time to worship God. We always look forward to it every single year. Yes it is a huge concert with a band, but more importantly they have speakers come in and we worship God. The Skit Guys were great! They made a couple of really good points that I just want to go over today. They have just stuck with me through the last week and I want to make them known! They told the story about the man on the mat who could not walk and his friends took him to Jesus and he was healed. That right there can be a lot to take in. Jesus just told him to get up and walk and he did! They wanted us to see how we could use this in everyday life. At one point sooner or later in your life your gonna be in both places: As the person on the mat and as the one pulling them to Jesus. You have had people in your life whether it be family or friends who care about you enough they see you on your mat and they pull you to Jesus. They want you to build up a relationship with him. Once you have this relationship and have trusted in him to be your saviour it becomes your job to pull others to God and Jesus. Now you may be thinking that it sounds awful hard and scary, But really its not that hard. Just show everyone that you come into contact with about God's love. I am sure you guys that go to high school see on a daily basis someone that could use a little help or even just kind words or a hug. You will find those who are dealing with a lot and that kind word or action could completely turn their entire day around!!! You could make a difference in your life just by passing on the love and kindness that someone once showed you and brought you to God. Now with this being said another good point that was made at Youthquake is obedience. I will admit sometimes its hard to say your completely right God and I need to trust you and do what you are telling me to. I am one that isn't the best at public speaking so when he lays it on my heart to speak at church or at an FCA meeting at school I want to question it. I know that I can't because what really matters to God is obedience and showing his love to everyone. A high school guy just like you and me that has a BIG heart for God knew that God wanted him to get up and speak infront of all of us. He didn't know what he was going to say or why God wanted him up there but he knew that didn't matter. He knew he had to follow God's calling. It took him a few minutes but God finally laid it on his heart. He knew it was gonna be hard to get up infront of everyone but he remembered that God was gonna be with him. Wow. I wish every one of us could do that. But we are only human. We make mistakes and tend to leave God out at times. Just make sure you are following him and doing what he asks or just would even want in everything you say and do. I don't have any better way to sum this up other than this verse. I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said. ~Luke 1:38~
Have a blessed day and may the Lord be with you! Kailee Elaine

Friday, February 4, 2011


I just wanted to say thanks to my friends who have gotten me here!!!!! Kate, You got me started in this blogging. Thanks for your help and your advice!!!! Courtlyn, You are so amazing and a true inspiration to me!!!! Aaron, Bud I know that what you are going through is hard. Just hang in there and hang close to God. Lauren, Where do I even begin. I love watching you on stage and I hope to be like you one of these days!!! Stacy, You are truely an amazing youth leader. Thanks so much for inspiring me every day to build up a relationship with God. Michael, Doubt that your reading this but in case you are thanks for being a great friend!! You mean the world to me. Blake, Jessie, Abigail, Brittany, Bekka, and Harlee, I love doing FCA with you guys. Thanks for keeping me on track and inspiring me every single day to serve others!!! Danyelle, You are the best big sis I could ever ask for!!!! Will be sad to see ya graduate this year! Joe, You are an amazing big brother!! Don't change. I have so many friends that I just wanna thank for being here for me!!! I don't have room to name you all!! You know who you are!


So this might take a while for me to get use to. I haven't blogged before so I am  very excited. We had a big concert I guess you would say called Youthquake a week or so ago and God has called me to do more than just being an FCA Leader at school and going to youth group. I am still not quite sure what it is. I think maybe reaching out like this might be a nice way to find what God wants from me. I went forward and I am very excited about this journey that I am taking with him. I know he is with me every step of the way. I know every day I am growing in him more and more. I don't know any other way at this point to reach out. I really hope this is what God is calling me to do. I can feel his spirit in me. Let me know if you guys ever want me to blog about a certain thing and I will do my best. Thanks for reading. Kailee Elaine