Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I have been so blessed by friends through this blog. I am getting so close with God and realize that every moment of my life is being lived for him!!! I just think that is AWESOME!! He is what everyone needs and is really longing for whether they find him or not. Don't you think we should help as many people find him as we can since he is exactly what we need??? One way to reach out is by taking advantage of oppurtunities that he gives us!!! I just got a great one. As our youth leader will be out of town she has asked me to take over two lessons. I am so excited. After studying and studying and restudying these two lessons I realize God is just truely amazing. He just longs for us to love him back like he loves each and every one of us. I hope I do a great job for Stacy this week and show others Gods love. Just make sure you watch for even the small oppurtunities that God gives each and every one of us. Kailee Elaine


  1. You should know that I love this!! :)

  2. Something told me you would and that you might even be proud of your lil sis.
