Saturday, February 5, 2011

YouthQuake 2011

Some of you will know what I am talking about when I say Youthquake. Others won't. It is a HUGE concert that they put on every January in Springfield. I have been blessed to have gotten to attend it four years now. It really is a great time to worship God. We always look forward to it every single year. Yes it is a huge concert with a band, but more importantly they have speakers come in and we worship God. The Skit Guys were great! They made a couple of really good points that I just want to go over today. They have just stuck with me through the last week and I want to make them known! They told the story about the man on the mat who could not walk and his friends took him to Jesus and he was healed. That right there can be a lot to take in. Jesus just told him to get up and walk and he did! They wanted us to see how we could use this in everyday life. At one point sooner or later in your life your gonna be in both places: As the person on the mat and as the one pulling them to Jesus. You have had people in your life whether it be family or friends who care about you enough they see you on your mat and they pull you to Jesus. They want you to build up a relationship with him. Once you have this relationship and have trusted in him to be your saviour it becomes your job to pull others to God and Jesus. Now you may be thinking that it sounds awful hard and scary, But really its not that hard. Just show everyone that you come into contact with about God's love. I am sure you guys that go to high school see on a daily basis someone that could use a little help or even just kind words or a hug. You will find those who are dealing with a lot and that kind word or action could completely turn their entire day around!!! You could make a difference in your life just by passing on the love and kindness that someone once showed you and brought you to God. Now with this being said another good point that was made at Youthquake is obedience. I will admit sometimes its hard to say your completely right God and I need to trust you and do what you are telling me to. I am one that isn't the best at public speaking so when he lays it on my heart to speak at church or at an FCA meeting at school I want to question it. I know that I can't because what really matters to God is obedience and showing his love to everyone. A high school guy just like you and me that has a BIG heart for God knew that God wanted him to get up and speak infront of all of us. He didn't know what he was going to say or why God wanted him up there but he knew that didn't matter. He knew he had to follow God's calling. It took him a few minutes but God finally laid it on his heart. He knew it was gonna be hard to get up infront of everyone but he remembered that God was gonna be with him. Wow. I wish every one of us could do that. But we are only human. We make mistakes and tend to leave God out at times. Just make sure you are following him and doing what he asks or just would even want in everything you say and do. I don't have any better way to sum this up other than this verse. I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said. ~Luke 1:38~
Have a blessed day and may the Lord be with you! Kailee Elaine


  1. You have an adorable blog! I think you're off to a good start! ;3

  2. Well said. :) Reading this made me wish I had been there this year. Some very good points made. I need to do more of the showing others that love and kindness. I struggle with obedience more often than you'd think. I wanna "do it my way" and that ends up working against me.

  3. Mary, thanks so much girlie!!!!! I really appriceate it! Hope that you will follow me on here!

    Joe, You were missed at youthquake this year!! You don't even know how much! Some amazing points were made and put on such a person level you couldn't help but feel touched by it all! I think most of us need to do better on both. I know I do. Thats why I started blogging in the first place. Obedience to God and showing his love to whoever wants to read this!

    Thanks again to both of you so much!!


  4. I really like this post :)
    and I agree, you're off to a good start. Don't give up :)

    - Kate :)

  5. Thanks so much Kate. I really appriceate it. I won't be giving up any time soon. This is what God needs and wants from me.

    Kailee <3

  6. You're very welcome!! :) That's really good :)
