Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Confidence and Faith.

Seems like lately God has been speaking not only to me but MANY people around me that I love and care about to bring up faith infront of me. I am starting to realize the more I think about it, Faith isn't something I ever gave much thought to. Now I am giving it a second thought because it is obviously important if God keeps putting it infront of me. There are a couple verses that I want to post that kinda give me a good feeling and help me realize just how much faith means.

Be confident of this that he who began good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

This just means so much to me. I mean God wants to use ME. If I will keep my faith and trust in him he will find ways to use me that are just so amazing and all of it being for his work and glory until Jesus comes back to this Earth. Then is when my faith will really be worth something. I kept faith in God and the payout it going to be soooo worth it. An eternity with God in a perfect place.

I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

A lot of people memorize this verse. It comes in really handy. By putting my faith and trust into Jesus Christ I get this amazing relationship with God. I couldn't ask for anything better.

So faith keeps getting brought up in FCA and a very good point that was made today was if when we leave this Earth if others will realize that we are Christians and are living it up with God in heaven. Will they wonder about where you went after you died? Do you know where your best friend would go? I challenge you to have a heart to heart with your best friends and just ask them. Ask them if they gave their life to God and if they are going to heaven. Some people will say yes and in their minds will be thinking well I am not real sure. Maybe that will plant inside them that they don't really know and need to find out. Just plant that seed to help them out.


  1. before I say this is a good post, I've got to say something, because I'm confused on what you mean... especially in the last paragraph.

    This is what I'm confused on: 'when we leave this Earth if others will realize that we are Christians and are living it up with God in heaven. Will they wonder about where you went after you died? Do you know where your best friend would go? I challenge you to have a heart to heart with your best friends and just ask them. Ask them if they gave their life to God and if they are going to heaven. Some people will say yes and in their minds will be thinking well I am not real sure.'

    If you could explain what you mean, it would be very much appreciated<3 (:

    hope you didn't take me asking you to explain what you mean in the wrong way.. I'm just confused.. and would appreciate some clearness on what you mean exactly.. (:

    Love ya.. and keep blogging! even if you feel like it's 'crap.' I feel that way about mine sometimes, but I'm learning to accept that and trust that God will use it to possibly encourage someone to live THE Cause..<3

    andd keep digging deeper into God's word and grow in your faith<3 (:

  2. Ok. That is like if I were to die today, am I living a life that people around me like my friends and family would know that I am a christian and going to go to heaven or will they wonder about me. Do you know if you best friends are going to heaven or not. The challenge is to find those friends that you aren't sure about and bring God up with them. See if they do have a relationship with God and if not share the gospel with them. I know there was a couple times in my life someone asked me if I was going to heaven and I said yes but in my mind I wasn't real sure and I dug deeper in God's word and found my answers.
