Thursday, June 16, 2011


This is a challenege I found and I will start day one today when I get home! God Bless you guys!

1. What is your testimony? Who were you before Christ and who are you now?
2. What is your favorite bible verse? Why? What does it mean to you?
3. What denomination are you? What are your beliefs on denominations in the church?
4. What is your favorite Christian song or hymn? Why?
5. What kind of church do you attend? What are the main beliefs of your church? If you would like share a video/podcast of your church!
6. What is your favorite Christian book besides the Bible?
7. Have you been Baptized? When/How? What was your personal experience?
8. What is your favorite book in the bible and verse in that book?
9. What is your favorite thing about your church?
10. What do you feel is the biggest struggle in the church today?
11. How do you openly share your faith?
12. What is a bible verse that gives you the most hope?
13. What is a belief of yours that usually most of those in the Christian Church disagree with?
14. Have you read the full bible? If so how long did it take you?
15. Do you use a devotional? If so what kind? How do you make sure you keep on track in Gods word?
16. How do you view politics and your religion?
17. If you could meet Jesus right now, what would be your first action and first question? How do you view Heaven?
18. What is the silliest prayer you have prayed? And oddest place you have prayed?
19. How do you bring prayer into your daily life? What are your views on healings and praying in tongues?
20. Are you ready if Jesus were to come tomorrow?

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